
카톡상담 카톡상담

온라인 진료 예약

온라인 진료예약 서비스는 신청 후 병원에서 확인 전화를 드린 후로 예약이 확정되는 서비스입니다. 휴무일 또는 업무시간 외 신청하는 예약 건은 정상업무일 오후부터 순차적으로 확인전화를 드립니다.

* 주의 ) 확인 전화가 가지 않으면 예약이
확정되지 않는 상태이니 문의 주시길 바랍니다.

실력공감을 바탕으로 환자에게 꼭 필요한 치료를 하는
환자에게 진정으로 힘이 되어드리는 새힘 병원입니다.

▷ 세계적인 척추내시경 수술 관련 교과서들 집필(3권 5챕터)
▷ 국제적인 권위를 자랑하는 학술상들 수상
▷ 19편의 SCI급 논문(대부분 제1저자나 교신저자 담당) 발표
▷ 국내외 학술대회에서 110회가 넘는 강의/수술시연 및 발표
▷ 대한민국 최초로 척추관협착증에 대한 내시경 감압술 시행
▷ 19년간 척추수술 9000여회, 9년간 척추내시경수술 4000여회

의료진 소개

의료진 소개

“고객의 숨은 모습도
보는 것이 진료 시작입니다.”

의사를 시작하면서 환자의 보이는 모습만 보고 환자를 판단할 때가 있었습니다.
하지만 모든 사람의 병에는 그 사람이 걸어온 길이 있습니다.
움직이지도 못하는 어머니들을 보면서는 평생을 희생한 감사함이 보이고
너무나 힘들어하는 아버지들의 모습을 보면서는 평생 자식들을 위해 일하면서 가진 열정을 볼 수 있습니다.
사람은 누구나 존경받을 자격이 충분함을 알게 됩니다.
고객님의 보이지 않는 모습이 보면서 의사로 살아가는 마음이 많이 변한 것 같습니다.
고객의 보이지 않는 모습까지 볼 수 있는 새힘병원이 되겠습니다.

신경외과 전문의
이철우 병원장
척추 질환(목허리 디스크, 척추관협착증, 퇴행성질환 등)
척추 외상(골절, 염좌 등)
단일공 척추내시경수술
신경외과 전문의, 의학박사
순천향대학교 외래교수
전) 강남베드로병원 척추센터 원장
현) 새힘병원 병원장
KOMISS 학술상 수상(2014년)
대한척추신경외과학회 대원학술상 수상(2021년)
국내최초 척추관협착증에 관한 내시경적 감압술 시행
세계적인 척추내시경 교과서들 집필(3권 5챕터)
15편의 SCI급 논문 발표, 110회이상 국내외 의사들을 대상으로 강의(시연) 및 발표
19년간 척추수술 9000여회, 9년간 척추내시경수술 4000여회
신경외과 전문의
박관웅 원장
척추 질환 (요추, 경추 디스크 질환, 척추 협착증 등)
척추 외상(골절) 수술, 골다공증
척추 내시경 수술, 척추 유합술, 척추 인공디스크 치환술 등
척추 비수술적 치료
순천향대학교 의학과 졸업
울산대학교 대학원 졸업 (의학석사, 신경외과학)
서울아산병원 신경외과 전공의 수료 및 전문의 취득
서울아산병원 신경외과 외래교수
국군수도병원 신경외과 군의관
순천향대학교 부천병원 신경외과 전임의
순천향대학교 부천병원 신경외과 전임 조교수 (척추)
전) 안산 21세기병원 척추센터 원장
전) 성남시의료원 신경외과 과장
현) 새힘병원 신경외과 원장
정형외과 전문의
정다훈 원장
고난이도 관절내시경치료, 인공관절수술, 인대손상, 골절, 스포츠 손상, 골다공증
어깨 : 회전근개파열, 석회성건염, 오십견, 충돌증후군, 관절염
무릎 : 절골술, 줄기세포치료, 반월상연골판파열, 십자인대파열, 관절염
팔꿈치,손목,손 : 방아쇠수지, 손목터널증후군, 테니스엘보우, 골프엘보우
발,발목 : 무지외반증
비수술적치료 : 증식치료, 통증유발점주사치료, 체외충격파치료
가톨릭대학교 가톨릭중앙의료원 서울성모병원 전문의 및 관절 센터 (견관절 슬관절) 전임의
가톨릭대학교 가톨릭중앙의료원 서울성모병원 외래교수
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 외래교수
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 정형외과학박사과정 수료
전) 늘찬병원 원장
전) 새로운병원 원장
현) 새힘병원 정형외과 원장
마취통증의학과 전문의
배준열 원장
대상포진(급성, 신경통) 클리닉
안면부 통증 클리닉 : 턱관절 통증, 삼차신경통 클리닉, 안면마비(구완와사)
엘보 클리닉(테니스, 골프 엘보)
만성두통 클리닉
어깨(오십견, 회전근개질환, 석회건염 등), 무릎 통증
척추 디스크, 협착증(경추, 요추)의 비수술적 치료
흉추부 통증(갈비 골절 등)
체외충격파 클리닉(원장 직접)
PRP 치료(테니스엘보, 골프엘보, 어깨통증)
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 석사 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 박사 수료
서울대학교병원 인턴 수료
서울대학교병원 마취통증의학과 전공의 수료
서울대학교병원 통증센터 전임의
서울대학교병원 암성통증센터 전임의
의정부 을지대학교병원 마취통증의학과 조교수
의정부 을지대학교병원 통증 외래 개설 및 진료
전) 노원스카이정형외과의원 원장
현) 새힘병원 통증센터 원장
영상의학과 전문의
송수진 원장
X-ray, MRI 영상진단
심장, 근골격계 초음파 진단
서울대학교병원 영상의학과 전공의
서울대학교병원 영상의학과 전임의
전) 양지병원 영상의학과장
전) 대림성모병원 영상의학과장
현) 새힘병원 영상의학과 원장

내시경이 의사의 손이 되어 준다면

어릴 때 배가 아프면 엄마가 손을 대면 배가 금방 안 아프게 되는 것을 우리는 모두 경험을 합니다.
“엄마 손은 약손” 인 이유는 엄마의 따뜻한 사랑이기 때문일 겁니다.
내시경 수술을 하면서 내시경이 엄마 손처럼 되면 좋겠다는 생각을 항상 하였던 것 같습니다.
수술하는 의사의 손을 대신하는 내시경이 환자의 아픈 부위에 닿았을 때 최소의 손상으로
마치 엄마 손만 댄 것처럼 바로 환자의 아픈 부위가 기적처럼 사라졌으면 하는 마음
이러한 마음이 고스란히 수면 가운데 수술방에 있는 환자 마음에 닿을 때 더 놀라운 치료가 되기를 매번 기도합니다.

의료진 프로필

이철우 병원장

신경외과 전문의

척추 질환(목허리 디스크, 척추관협착증, 퇴행성질환 등)
척추 외상(골절, 염좌 등)
단일공 척추내시경수술
신경외과 전문의, 의학박사
순천향대학교 외래교수
전) 강남베드로병원 척추센터 원장
현) 새힘병원 병원장
KOMISS 학술상 수상(2014년)
대한척추신경외과학회 대원학술상 수상(2021년)
국내최초 척추관협착증에 관한 내시경적 감압술 시행
세계적인 척추내시경 교과서들 집필(3권 5챕터)
15편의 SCI급 논문 발표, 110회이상 국내외 의사들을 대상으로 강의(시연) 및 발표
19년간 척추수술 9000여회, 9년간 척추내시경수술 4000여회
오전 진료 진료 수술 진료 진료 진료
오후 진료 수술 진료 수술 진료 휴진
대한신경외과학회 정회원
대한척추신경외과학회 종신회원
북미척추학회(NASS, North American Spine Society) 정회원
대한척추신경외과학회 보험위원
대한미세침습척추수술학회(KOMISS) 이사
대한척추내시경학회(KOSESS) 국제교류 위원
국제학술지의 논문 Reviewer(World neurosurgery, Neurospine, Journal of spinal surgery 등)
Traumatic Thoracic Spondyloptosis : A Case Report.. KJNS Vol 35, Number 6 (2004년 6월)(page : 622-4)
Treatment Results of Twist-drill Craniostomy with Closed-system Drainage for the Symptomatic Chronic Subdural Hematoma Patients. KJNS Vol 37, Number 4 (2005년4월) (page : 282-6)
Endodermal Cyst of the Posterior Fossa. KJNS Vol 37, Number 4 (2005년4월) (page : 310-2)
Morphometric Relationship between the Cervicothoracic Cord Segments and Vertebral Bodies. KJNS Vol 52, Number 4 (2012년10월) (page : 384-90)
Clinical outcome of LLIF(Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion) in elderly patients. JKSGN 9(1) :40-45, 2013년
Radicular compression by intraspinal epidural gas bubble occurred in distant two levels after lumbar microdiscectomy : Case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 56 (6) : 1-6, 2014년
Foraminoplastic Superior Vertebral Notch Approach with Reamers in Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy (PELD) : Technical Note and Clinical Outcome in Limited Indications of PELD. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59(2) : 172-181,2016년
Which approach is advantageous to preventing the development of ASD? A comparative analysis of 3 different lumbar interbody fusion techniques (ALIF, LLIF, and PLIF) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis. World Neurosurg 2017년 105:612–22
Percutaneous Endoscopic Laminotomy with Flavectomy by Uniportal, Unilateral Approach for the Lumbar Canal or Lateral Recess Stenosis. World Neurosurgery. World Neurosurg 2018년 113:e1298-e137
Percutaneous Endoscopic Removal of Extruded Centering Pin in Lumbar Artificial Disc Causing Postoperative Radiculopathy : A Case Report. J Minim Invasive Spine Surg Tech. 2018년 3(1):42-46.
Surgical Treatment of Extra-Foraminal Gas Containing Pseudocyst Compressing L5 Nerve Root by Using Unilateral Biportal Endosopy: A Case Report. World Neurosurg. January 2019년 doi:10.1016 j.wneu.2018년 12.186
“The Usefulness of Percutaneous Endoscopic Technique in Multifocal Lumbar Pathology,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2019년, Article ID 9528102, 8 pages, 2019.
Biportal Endoscopic Spinal Surgery for Bilateral Lumbar Foraminal Decompression by Switching Surgeon’s Position and Primary 2 Portals. A Report of 2 Cases With Technical Note. Neurospine. 2019년 16(1):138-147.
“Comparative Analysis between Three Different Lumbar Decompression Techniques (Microscopic, Tubular, and Endoscopic) in Lumbar Canal and Lateral Recess Stenosis: Preliminary Report,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2019년, Article
Percutaneous Endoscopic Decompression in Lumbar Canal and Lateral Recess Stenosis. The Surgical Learning Curve. Neurospine. 2019년 16(1):63-71
The biportal endoscopic posterior cervical inclinatory foraminotomy for cervical radiculopathy: Technical report and preliminary results. Neurospine. 2020년 17(Suppl 1):S145-S153. doi:10.14245 ns.2040228.114
Technical Considerations in Endoscopic Lumbar Decompression. World Neurosurg. 2020;145:663-669. doi:10.1016 j.wneu.2020년07.065
Complications, Pitfalls and Salvage procedures in Lumbar TDR , St. peter’s hospital 2nd international TDR Symposium, Seoul, Korea, March 2009
Understanding of lower back pain , The Korean Senior Citizens Association, Seoul, Korea, May 2010
Anatomy and Surgical consideration in Anterior lumbar approach, St. peter’s hospital 3rd TDR Symposium, Seoul, Korea, May 2012
Intradiscal therapy and Artificial disc replacement as the treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease, PBC(Pyunghwa Broadcating Corporation), Seoul, Korea, September 2012
Pitfall and technical consideration in Endoscopic Foraminoplasty& Laminotomy, Leon Wilt’s Hospital, Suwon, Korea, February, 2016
Full Endoscopic Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Wiltse Memorial Hospital and CMC NS Dept. Joint Spinal Symposium, Leon Wilt’s Hospital, Suwon, Korea, October, 2016
Basic Approach (In and Out, Out and In) The 1st Symposium NASESS (NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal surgery), Nanoori Suwon Hospital, Suwon, Korea, October, 2016
Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminal Decompression, The 1st Symposium NASESS (NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal surgery), Nanoori Suwon Hospital, Suwon, Korea, October, 2016
Percutaneous Endoscopic, Unilateral Approach, Bilateral decompression, 2016 KOMISS(Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) Advanced Spinal Endoscopic surgery Course), Yonsei University medical school, Seoul, Korea, December, 2016
Full Endoscopic Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis , SoonCheonHyang Endoscopic Surgery Cadaver Workshop, SoonCheonHyang University medical school, Cheonan, Korea, December, 2016
Percutaneous Endoscopic, Unilateral Approach, Bilateral decompression, The 2nd Symposium NASESS (NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal surgery), Seoul national University Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea, February, 2017
More Knowledge! Better communication, Teaching the Nurses, St. Peter’s Hospital Seoul, Korea, March, 2017
Full Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminal Decompression through Sup. Vertebral Access, 2017 KASS(Korean American Spine Society), Hawaii, USA, June, 2017
Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminoplasty (Sup. Vertebral Notch Method, USPA (Ultrasound and Pain management Academy), Catholic University Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea, August, 2017
Percutaneous Endoscopic Interlaminar Lumbar Discectomy (Uniportal), The 3rd Korean neurosurgical hospital association academic meeting, Kim-Gu memorial center, Seoul, Korea, August, 2017
Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminoplasty for foramial stenosis, Korean spinal pain medicine society scientific meeting, Catholic University Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea, October, 2017
PSLD, Where is your position & sweet spot? in Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar surgery, Catholic University Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital Seoul, Korea, November, 2017
Percutaneous Endoscopic Uniportal, Unilateral Approach, Bilateral Decompression, The 3rd Symposium NASESS (NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal surgery), Seoul national University Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea, November, 2017
Beyond traditional approach in Percutaneous endoscopic Lumbar surgery, SoonCheonHyang Endoscopic Surgery Cadaver Workshop, SoonCheonHyang University medical school, Cheonan, Korea, December, 2017
The way to be Jedi (Uniportal Endoscopic Decompression), Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Winter Scientific Meeting, Muju, Kangwon-Do, Korea, February, 2018
Percutaneous Endoscopic Decompression in Lumbar canal and lat. Recess stenosis, Pusan-Ulsan-Kyeongnam local spine symposium, Pusan university Hospital, Pusan, Kyeonsangbook-Do, Korea, March, 2018
How to overcome “learning curve”? - Endosocopic lumbar decompression, 2th the Korean Research Society of the Endoscopic Spine Society (KOSESS) annual spring meeting, Kyeong-Ju ,Kyeonsangbook-Do, Korea, March, 2018
Manual for Reaming (Lessons from failed foraminoplasty in PELD), KOMISS (Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) spring case discussion meeting, Kyeong-Ju, Kyeonsangbook-Do, Korea, March, 2018
Endoscopholic? 3rd Korea UBE( unilateral biportal endosopy) society case discussion meeting, Seoul Chuck Hospitral, Seoul, Korea, April, 2018
Full Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminal Decompression, Korean spinal pain medicine society31th scientific meeting, Catholic medical college Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital , Seoul, Korea, April, 2018
Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminoplasty, St. Peter’s Hospital staff lecture, Seoul, Korea, May, 2018
一石二鳥 ( The usefulness of Percutaneous Endoscopic technique in multi-lumbar pathology), 6th WCMISST 2016, Chonqching, China, June, 2018
Uniportal Full Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminal decompression (3 different approaches), The 14th KOSAS (Korean Society for the advancement of spinal surgery) annual meeting, Yonsei university Hospital, Seoul, Korea, June, 2018
Break down the barriers!! Start of PELD with foraminoplasty, Reaming procedure, Wiltse Memorial Hospital Spine Symposium, Ajou university Hospital, Suwon, Korea, July, 2018
How to get the beauty? How to become familiar with Uniportal Percutaneous Endoscopic Decompression, The 4th Symposium NASESS (NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal surgery), Catholic university Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital , Seoul, Korea, July, 2018
Endoscopic reaming technique for lumbar disc erniation, The 4th Korean neurosurgical hospital association academic meeting, Kim-Gu memorial center, Seoul, Korea, August, 2018
Uniportal endoscopic foraminal Decompression, The 2nd Dae-Jeon Woo-ri Hospital spine symposium, Dae-Jeon, ChoongCheongnaNam-Do, Korea, September, 2018
Para-spinal approach for exiting root decompression (Tell us everything!! your skills and preferenece ), The Korean Research Society of the Endoscopic Spine Society (KOSESS) case discussion meeting, Seoul national university Hospital Seosunghwan hall, Seoul, Korea, September, 2018
A trail to be blazed, Posterior Endoscopic Decompression for Lumbar Stenosis, The 58th Korean Neurosurgical Society Annual fall meeting, The K-Hotel, Seoul, Korea, October, 2018
Personal Recommendation and Request to RIWO about Endoscopic instruments in lumbar decompressive surgery, Arinomama, Seoul, Korea, October, 2018
Sword in the stone (Trans foraminal aproach for foramnal stenosis), 2018 KOMISS(Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) Advanced Spinal Endoscopic surgery Course), Se-jong University, Kwanggaetoe Hall, Seoul, Korea, December, 2018
PELD with foraminoplasty, Reaming procedure, TSSULA 2019, Raipur, India, January, 2019
Uniportal Endoscopic Foraminal Decompression, TSSULA 2019, Raipur, India, January, 2019
Paraspinal approach: Large working channel endoscopcy, 2019 KOSESS ASEANMIST and ThaiSMISST joint Winter camp, Bangkok, Thailand, January, 2019
Comparison between three different endoscopic foraminoplastic techniques, Joimax Faculty and user meeting, Salzburg, Austria, March, 2019
Endoscopic treatment for Recurrent disc herniation, 3rd the Korean Research Society of the Endoscopic Spine Society (KOSESS) Annual spring meeting, Yonsei University Kangnam Severance hospital, Seoul, Korea, March, 2019
Endoscopic spine surgery & Nurse care, St. Peter’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea, March, 2019
My recommendation to NSK for ideal endosopcic spinal drill, NSK Headquater, Shimohinata, Kanuma, Japan, April, 2019
How to Avoid Complications of Interlaminar Endoscopic Decompression?, Global Spine Congress 2019 ,Toronto Canada, May, 2019
Comparison between three different endoscopic foraminoplastic techniques, The 7th ACMISST & 18th KOMISS 2109 & 7Th ACMISST 2019 Seoul , Korea, May 2019
Showdown ( Uniportal vs Biportal), The 7th ACMISST & 18th KOMISS 2109 & 7Th ACMISST 2019 Seoul , Korea, May 2019
How to get the beauty?, St. Peter’s Hospital Staff conference, Le Merdian Hotel, Seoul, Korea, June, 2019
Uniportal Percutaneous Endoscopic Decompression in lumbar canal and lateral recess stenosis, Soonchunhyang university Hospital Neurosurgery update, Cheonan, Choongchungnam-do, Korea, June, 2019
Transforaminal Approach Outside In – Down-migrated disc, RIWO Master Class Training Course for Full-endoscopic Surgery of the lumbar spine, Catholic university Bioskill Lab. Seoul, Korea, July 2019
Transforaminal Approach - Lateral recess, SAP, RIWO Master Class Training Course for Full-endoscopic Surgery of the lumbar spine, Catholic university Bioskill Lab. Seoul, Korea, July, 2019
Interlaminar Approach – Neural injury, RIWO Master Class Training Course for Full-endoscopic Surgery of the lumbar spine, Catholic university Bioskill Lab. Seoul, Korea, July, 2019
Transforaminal Approach – Recurrent disc, RIWO Master Class Training Course for Full-endoscopic Surgery of the lumbar spine, Catholic university Bioskill Lab. Seoul, Korea, July, 2019
Where have you been Endoscopia? : The Long journey of uniportal endoscopic spine surgery, 5th NAVI Symposium of Endoscopic Spinal Surgery, Seoul, Korea, July, 2019
Endoscopic lumbar decompression : Uniportal, 5th Korean Neurosurgical Hospital Society Academic Meeting, Kim Gu memorial center, Seoul, Korea, August, 2019
Full Endoscopic Decompression for Spinal Stenosis: Clinically Feasible? Trustworthy? Hurdles for Acknowledgement, Catholic university medical center Spine symposium, Seoul, Korea, August, 2019
Surgical Strategies of ESS through Transforaminal Approach, NASS (North American Spine Society) 34th Annual meeting, Symposium and Cadaver workshop, Chicago, IL, September, 2019
Overcoming Learning curve and become master in Endoscopic Spine Surgery (ESS), 2019 Korean Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, September, 2019
Uniportal Foraminoplasty with reamer : the easy and quick way, The 3rd Daejeon Woori Hospital Spine Symposium, Dae-jeon, Chooncheongnam-Do, September, 2019
Transforaminal Approach, Debate- What is Your Choice? ( Lumbar stenosis with disc herniation), 2019 KOMISS Advanced Spinal Endoscopic course Symposium abnd Cadaver Workshop, Seoul, Korea, December, 2019
Killing 3 birds by one stone : Learning lessons from Case Discussion, The 2nd KOSESS Winter Camp and Symposium, Jeongsun, Kangwon-Do, January, 2020
Full Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (ESS)-The virtue of MIS, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital Spine Sympoium, Cheonan, Choongcheongnam-Do, January, 2020
Endoscopic Transforaminal Approach - Original? Outdated?, Busan Keun Hopital endoscoic spine surgery symposium , Busan, Kyeonsangnam-Do, June, 2020
PELD, PECLD, operative process, St. Peter’s Hospital Operative Staff conference, Seoul, Korea, July, 2020
Technical Consideration of endoscopic lumbar decompression, St. Peter’s Hospital Staff lecture, Seoul, Korea, July, 2020
Surgical strategy in selection of Ideal endoscopic approach for multi-lumbar pathology, World Congress on spine endoscopy Tele-conference, India, September, 2020
Advanced techniques of Transforaminal approach, Navi Endoscopic Spinal Surgery International Web Symposim, Seoul, Korea, September ,2020
Full Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (One-Portal)- Which Technique or Approach is better in Disc and Stenosis? (Huge Cental Disc Herniation, 19th KOMISS Annual Scientific Meeting – Online, Seoul, Korea, December, 2020
A New Arising Weapons and the Strategy for TELD , 4th KOSSES & UBE Annual Conference and Daejeon Woori Hospital Spine Symposium, Dae-jeon, Chooncheongnam-Do, December, 2020
Transforaminal Root Block, St. Peter’s Hospital Staff lecture, Seoul, Korea, December, 2020
Lumbar Decompression : Central and Lateral recess, 2021 KOMISS Advanced Spinal Course Symposium and Cadaver Workshop, Daegu, Kyeonsangbukl-Do, May, 2021
Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar canal and lateral recess decompression - the surgical learning curve, International Joint Meeting of KSNS & WSCS, The 1st Annual SMISS-AP Meeting, Songdo, Incheon, September, 2021
Tips of Transforaminal Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy, 7th Korean Neurosurgical Hospital Society Academic Meeting, Kim Gu memorial center, Seoul, Korea, November, 2021
Basics in various endoscopic spinal approach and related surgical anatomy, 2021 KOMISS Annual Aacademic Meeting and Cadaver workshop, Seoul, Korea, December, 2021
Surgical strategy in selection of Ideal endoscopic approach in various degenerative lumbar pathologies, MISS Summit Tele-conference, Aichi, Japan, January, 2022
Progressive Foot Drop after Transforamianl PELD - Worst Complicated Case in My Life : Expert also makes a mistake, KOSESS- KOMISS case conference, Jaecheon, Choongcheongbook-Do, June, 2022
Full Endoscopic Discectomy : Various Approaches for the Migrated Lumbar Disc Herniation, Wltze memorial Hospital Spine Symposium, Suwon, Kyeongi-Do, July, 2022
Terminology in Endoscopic Sspine Surgery and Communication, St. Peter’s Hospital Nursing Staff lecture, Seoul, Korea, June, 2022
Retrospective analysis of radiological, surgical, clinical outcome in multilevel cervical arthroplasty.Korean Neurosurgical Society 26th Annual spring meeting , Je-Ju, Korea, April 2008
Analysis in etiology and salvage procedure in failed lumbar arthroplasty, Korean Neurosurgical Society 48th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2008
Retrospective analysis of radiological, surgical, clinical outcome in multilevel cervical arthroplasty, The XIV WFNS World Congress of Neurological Surgery, Boston, MA , September 2009
Analysis in etiology and salvage procedure in failed lumbar arthroplasty, The XIV WFNS World Congress of Neurological Surgery, Boston, MA , September 2009
Multilevel cervical arthroplasty; Can be the alternative for multilevel cervical disease?, 2nd Asia-pacific Society of arthroplasty society, Sanya, China, January 2010
Comparative analysis of radiological, surgical and clinical outcome of cervical arthroplasy in terms of number of arthroplasty level, SAS10(spinal arthroplasty society) - 10th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 2010
Comparative analysis of radiographic, clinical and surgical outcome in cervical arthroplasty in terms of numbers of involved level, Eurospine 2010, Vienna, Austria, September 2010
Tethered cord syndrome in 4 adult patients: Indication, technique & outcome, Korean Neurosurgical Society 5th Seoul- Kyeonggi region fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, September 2010
Analysis of the several factors that may affect the radiological and clinical outcome in cervical arthroplasty, Korean Neurosurgical Society 50th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2010
Several factors that we should consider in cervical arthroplasty, 18th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2011
Analysis of the several factors that may affect the radiological and clinical outcome in cervical laminoplasty, Korean Neurosurgical Society 51th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2011
Analysis of the several factors that may affect the radiological and clinical outcome in cervical arthroplasty, North American Spine Society 26th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2011
Radicular compression by intraspinal epidural gas bubble after lumbar microdiscectomy : Case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 21th Seoul- Kyeonggi region spring meeting, Seoul, Korea, September 2012
Comparative analysis of surgical and clinical outcome of two different approach (Transpsoas, Anteropsoas) in lateral lumbar interbody fusion, The Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society 26th annual meeting, Busan, Korea, September 2012
Comparative analysis of surgical, clinical and radiological outcome of two different approach (Transpsoas, Anteropsoas) in lateral lumbar interbody fusion, Korean Neurosurgical Society 52th Annual fall meeting, Incheon, Korea, October 2012
Utility of lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF) as salvage procedure, Korean Neurosurgical Society 53th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2013
Clinical outcome of LLIF(Lateral lumbar Interbody Fusion) in elderly patients, Korean Geriatric Neurosurgical Society Annual meeting, Seoul, Korea, February 2014
Comparative analysis of radiological, surgical and clinical outcome between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion groups ( ALIF, DLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis, Korean Neurosurgical Society 32th Annual spring meeting, Je-Jul, Korea, April 2014
Outcome of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) with foraminoplasty and lamino-foraminotomy by using reamer and drill, KOMISS (Korean Minimally invasive spinal surgery society) Annual spring meeting, Seoul, Korea, April 2014
Foraminoplastic superior vertebral notch approach with reamer in PELD (percutaneous endoscopic lumber discectomy) : Technical note and Clinical outcome in limited indications of PELD, Korean Neurosurgical Society 54th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, october 2014
Comparative analysis of radiological, surgical and clinical outcome between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, DLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis, 14th AACNS(Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons), Jeju Isalnd, Korea, April 2015
Foraminoplastic superior vertebral notch approach with reamer in PELD (percutaneous endoscopic lumber discectomy) : Technical note and Clinical outcome in limited indications of PELD, 14th AACNS(Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons), Jeju Isalnd, Korea, April 2015
Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar procedure in challenging indications, Solution? or Delusion?, 14th KOMISS (Korean Minimally invasive spinal surgery society) Annual spring meeting, Seoul, Korea, May 2015
Comparative analysis of radiological, surgical and clinical outcome between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, DLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis, 22nd IMAST(International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2015
Percutaneous endoscopic foraminoplastic superior vertebral notch approach (FSVNA) with endoscopic reamer and drill in degenerative lumbar disease, 5th WCMISST 2016, Jeju-island, Korea, June, 2016
Which approach is advantageous in preventing the development of ASD? : Comparative analysis between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, LLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis with regard to the development of adjacent-segment degeneration (ASD), Asia spine 2016, Seoul, Korea, september 2016
Endoscopic foraminal decompression: myth? or trustworthy?, Asia spine 2016, Seoul, Korea, September, 2016
Uniportal Percutaneous Endoscopic Laminotomy with Flavectomy for the Lumbar Canal or Lateral Recess Stenosis, Korean Neurosurgical Society 56th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, October 2016
Uniportal Percutaneous Endoscopic Laminotomy with Flavectomy for the Lumbar Canal or Lateral Recess Stenosis, Global Spine Congress 2017, Milan, Italy, May, 2017
Endoscopic Lumbar Foraminal Decompression: Myth? or Trustworthy?, Global Spine Congress 2017, Milan, Italy, May, 2017
Exiting root Over-Passing technique in the cases of far lateral disc herniation combined with narrow foramen, 2017 KOMISS (Korean Minimally invasive spinal surgery society) Symposium and Cadaver workshop, Seoul, Korea, May, 2017
Exiting root Over-Passing technique in the cases of far lateral disc herniation combined with narrow foramen. KOMISS (Korean Minimally invasive spinal surgery society) Annual spring meeting, Incheon, Kyeongi-Do, Korea, May, 2017
Which approach is advantageous in preventing the development of ASD?; Comparative analysis between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, LLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis with regard to ASD. Korean spinal neurosurgery annual meeting, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, September, 2017
一石二鳥 (The usefulness of Percutaneous Endoscopic technique in multi-lumbar pathology). the 1st Korean Research Society of the Endoscopic Spine Society (KOSESS) foundation scientific meeting, Seoul National university Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea, September, 2017
Which approach is advantageous in preventing the development of ASD?; Comparative analysis between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, LLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis with regard to ASD, Korean Neurosurgical Society 57th Annual fall meeting, The K-Hotel, Seoul, Korea October, 2017
What are the advantages of MIS decompression technique compared to traditional open laminectomy in Lumbar canal and lateral recess stenosis? - Comparative analysis between 3 different lumbar decompression techniques (Microscopic, Tubular and Endoscopic): Preliminary Report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 57th Annual fall meeting, The K-Hotel, Seoul, Korea October, 2017
What are the Advantages of MIS Decompression Technique Compared to Traditional Open Laminectomy in Lumbar Canal and Lateral Recess Stenosis? - Comparative Analysis Between 3 Different Lumbar Decompression Techniques (Microscopic, Tubular and Endoscopic): Preliminary Report, 2017 KOMISS(Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) international symposium, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, December, 2017
What are the advantages of MIS decompression technique compared to traditional open laminectomy in Lumbar canal and lateral recess stenosis? , AOSpine Korea Spine Congress 2018, Yongsan Dragon City, Seoul, Korea, July, 2018
Comparative analysis between 3 different lumbar decompression techniques (Microscopic, Tubular and Endoscopic): Preliminary Report, Global Spine Congress 2019 ,Toronto, Canada, May, 2019
December, 2020, Advanced Technique of Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery , Full endoscopic posterior approach 'out and In' technique
December, 2020, Advanced Technique of Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery , Full endoscopic paraspinal approach for lumbar Foraminal Stenosis
July, 2023, Advanced Technique of Endoscopic Cervical and Thoracic Spine Surgery, Uniportal - Cervical posterior foraminotomy and discectomy
June, 2023, Core Techniqre of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Full endoscopic decompression thoracolumbar stenosis
June, 2023, Core Techniqre of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Total Disc Replacement in Lumbar Degenerative Disc Diseases
Treatment Results of Twist-drill Craniostomy with Closed-system Drainage for the Symptomatic Chronic Subdural Hematoma Patients, Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2006 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 2007
Efficacy of extrapedicular approach in vertebroplasty, The 1st World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques, Hawaii, June 2008
Cases of the peudodiscal cyst after microdiscectomy, Korean Neurosurgical Society 48th annual fall meeting, Seoul, October 2008
Radicular compression by intraspinal epidural gas bubble after lumbar microdiscectomy : Case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 28th Annual spring meeting , Incheon, Korea, April 2011
Hematoma of the Ligamentum Flavum in the Lumbar Spine : Case Report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 51th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Koea, April 2011
Deep venous thrombosis after iliac vein injury during anterior lumbar interbody fusion : Case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 29th Annual spring meeting , Kwang-Ju, Korea, April 2012
Analysis of the several factors that may affect the radiological and clinical outcome in cervical arthroplasty. Spineweek 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2012
Analysis of the several factors that may affect the radiological and clinical outcome in cervical laminoplasty. Spineweek 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2012
Endoscopic removal of extruded centering pin in lumbar artificial disc causing postoperative radiculopathy : case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 52th Annual fall meeting, Incheon, Korea, October 2012
Comparative analysis of surgical, clinical and radiological outcome of two different approach (Transpsoas, Anteropsoas) in lateral lumbar interbody fusion, 15TH WFNS World Congress of Neurological surgery, Seoul, Korea, September 2013
Comparative analysis of surgical, clinical and radiological outcome of two different approach (Transpsoas, Anteropsoas) in lateral lumbar interbody fusion, SMISS Annual meeting 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2013
Utility of lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF) as salvage procedure. SMISS Annual meeting 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2013
Percutaneous endoscopic removal of facet cyst by using endoscopic drill : case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 32th Annual spring meeting, Je-Ju, Korea, April 2014
Far migration of ruptured disc to adjacent disc level during Intra-operative discography in PELD : case report, Korean Neurosurgical Society 54th Annual fall meeting, Seoul, Korea, october 2014
Which approach is advantageous in preventing the development of ASD?; Comparative analysis between different 3 lumbar interbody fusion techniques ( ALIF, LLIF, PLIF ) in L4-5 spondylolisthesis with regard to ASD, Global Spine Congress 2017, Milan, Italy, May, 2017
The clinical efficacy of Uni-portal, percutaneous endoscopic unilateral approach bilateral decompression in Lumbar canal and lateral recess, 2017 KOMISS(Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) international symposium, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, December, 2017
Exiting root Over-Passing technique in the cases of far lateral disc herniation combined with narrow foramen, 2017 KOMISS(Korean minimally invasive spine surgery society) international symposium, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, December, 2017
Best resident of the year, Soonchunhyang university Cheonan Hospital – 2001
KOMISS Academic Award, 2014 international symposium & Hands-on Cadaver Workshop of a Endoscopic Spine Surgery - Nov, 2014, Seoul, Korea
Daewon Neurospine Academic Award, 2021 Korean neurosurgical spine society annual meeting, Nov,2021, Seoul, Korea
의료진 프로필

박관웅 원장

신경외과 전문의

척추 질환 (요추, 경추 디스크 질환, 척추 협착증 등)
척추 외상(골절) 수술, 골다공증
척추 내시경 수술, 척추 유합술, 척추 인공디스크 치환술 등
척추 비수술적 치료
순천향대학교 의학과 졸업
울산대학교 대학원 졸업 (의학석사, 신경외과학)
서울아산병원 신경외과 전공의 수료 및 전문의 취득
서울아산병원 신경외과 외래교수
국군수도병원 신경외과 군의관
순천향대학교 부천병원 신경외과 전임의
순천향대학교 부천병원 신경외과 전임 조교수 (척추)
전) 안산 21세기병원 척추센터 원장
전) 성남시의료원 신경외과 과장
현) 새힘병원 신경외과 원장
오전 진료 수술 진료 수술 진료 진료
오후 진료 진료 수술 진료 진료 휴진
대한신경외과학회 회원
대한척추신경외과학회 회원
Endoscopic Spine Surgery Course 수료
Medtronic Annual Course 수료
Subclinical cervical osteochondroma presenting as brown-sequard syndrome after trivial neck trauma J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2012 Apr;51(4):233-6
Profiles of Spinal Cord Tumors Removed through a Unilateral Hemilaminectomy J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2011 Sep;50(3):195-200
Outpatient-based scalp surgery without shaving and allowing use of shampoo World Neurosurg. 2012 Feb;77(2):391-3
Neurotoxic manifestations of an overdose intrathecal injection of gadopentetate dimeglumine J Korean Med Sci. 2010 Mar;25(3):505-8. Erratum in: J Korean Med Sci. 2010 Apr;25(4):656
Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula with supply from the lateral sacral artery-case report and review of literature- J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2009 Feb;45(2):115-7
Vertebral artery dissection: natural history, clinical features and therapeutic considerations J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2008 Sep;44(3):109-15
의료진 프로필

정다훈 원장

정형외과 전문의

고난이도 관절내시경치료, 인공관절수술, 인대손상, 골절, 스포츠 손상, 골다공증
어깨 : 회전근개파열, 석회성건염, 오십견, 충돌증후군, 관절염
무릎 : 절골술, 줄기세포치료, 반월상연골판파열, 십자인대파열, 관절염
팔꿈치,손목,손 : 방아쇠수지, 손목터널증후군, 테니스엘보우, 골프엘보우
발,발목 : 무지외반증
비수술적치료 : 증식치료, 통증유발점주사치료, 체외충격파치료
가톨릭대학교 가톨릭중앙의료원 서울성모병원 전문의 및 관절 센터 (견관절 슬관절) 전임의
가톨릭대학교 가톨릭중앙의료원 서울성모병원 외래교수
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 외래교수
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 정형외과학박사과정 수료
전) 늘찬병원 원장
전) 새로운병원 원장
현) 새힘병원 정형외과 원장
오전 진료 수술 진료 진료 진료 진료
오후 진료 진료 수술 진료 수술 휴진
미국정형외과학회 회원
미국관절경협회 회원
국제관절경 및 슬관절스포츠의학회 회원
대한정형외과학회 정회원
대한견주관절학회 정회원
대한슬관절학회 정회원
대한골절학회 정회원
대한관절경학회 정회원
대한골대사학회 정회원
대한스포츠의학회 정회원
Is High-Flexion Total Knee Arthroplasty a Valid Concept? Bilateral Comparison With Standard Total Knee Arthroplasty. The Journal of Arthro
대한통증학회 동통재활분야 전문교육과정 이수
Smith and Nephew Cadaver workshop in Catholic university, Shoulder 이수
Smith and Nephew Cadaver workshop in Catholic university, Knee 이수
의료진 프로필

배준열 원장

마취통증의학과 전문의

대상포진(급성, 신경통) 클리닉
안면부 통증 클리닉 : 턱관절 통증, 삼차신경통 클리닉, 안면마비(구완와사)
엘보 클리닉(테니스, 골프 엘보)
만성두통 클리닉
어깨(오십견, 회전근개질환, 석회건염 등), 무릎 통증
척추 디스크, 협착증(경추, 요추)의 비수술적 치료
흉추부 통증(갈비 골절 등)
체외충격파 클리닉(원장 직접)
PRP 치료(테니스엘보, 골프엘보, 어깨통증)
서울대학교 의과대학 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 석사 졸업
서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 박사 수료
서울대학교병원 인턴 수료
서울대학교병원 마취통증의학과 전공의 수료
서울대학교병원 통증센터 전임의
서울대학교병원 암성통증센터 전임의
의정부 을지대학교병원 마취통증의학과 조교수
의정부 을지대학교병원 통증 외래 개설 및 진료
전) 노원스카이정형외과의원 원장
현) 새힘병원 통증센터 원장
오전 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료
오후 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료 휴진
대한마취통증학회 정회원
대한통증학회 정회원
대한척추통증학회 정회원
대한통증학회 통증의학 고위자과정 및 세부전문의
대한통증학회 중재적 신경블록 과정 이수
대한통증학회 TPI 과정 이수
대한통증학회 중재적 신경블록 과정 이수
대한통증학회 TPI 과정 이수
의료진 프로필

송수진 원장

영상의학과 전문의

X-ray, MRI 영상진단
심장, 근골격계 초음파 진단
서울대학교병원 영상의학과 전공의
서울대학교병원 영상의학과 전임의
전) 양지병원 영상의학과장
전) 대림성모병원 영상의학과장
현) 새힘병원 영상의학과 원장
오전 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료 휴진
오후 진료 진료 진료 진료 진료 휴진
대한영상의학회 정회원

온라인 간편예약

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(주말, 공휴일 제외)

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